Tatamagouche Regional Academy is grateful for the many ways in which the community supports our school and students.
If you are interested in making a donation to the school, please consider the following:
For monetary donations, other than Bursary funds, tax receipts can be issued for cheques made payable to Chignecto Central Regional Centre for Education (CCRCE), but in order to ensure the funds are deposited to TRA, the cheque should be sent to the school first and indicate in the Memo line that it is for Tatamagouche Regional Academy. The administrative assistant will forward the cheque to CCRCE for processing.
If you do not require a tax receipt, a cheque can be made payable to Tatamagouche Regional Academy and it will be processed at the school. A school receipt will be issued. Cash donations can also be made at the school office during office hours.
For information regarding Bursary Donations, please call the main office.
Thank you for your support!